Reconstruction of the manor
house in Želiezovce

The city of Želiezovce succeeded in applying for a financial contribution from the EEA Grants and the state budget for the reconstruction of the manor house.

What is the goal of the project?

The goal of the project is to restore the roof structure of the Esterházy manor house in Želiezovce and to make it accessible to the public, as well as to use it for educational, marketing and cultural activities.


Project partners

Leading partner: City of Želiezovce

Local project partners: Basic organization Hungarian Social and Cultural Association in Slovakia (CSEMADOK Želiezovce)

Civic Association Castellum Zeliz

Project partner from Norway: NOPA (Norsk forening for komponister og tekstforfattere) – Norwegian Society of Composers and Copywriters

Wrote about us


As part of the final events of the project, a workshop was held on 21 st March, 2024. Itthematically followed ...
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Symposium of historians

On November 22, 2023, another event was held in the reconstructed wing of the manor house under the name "Symposium ...
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Schubertfest 2023

On Octotber 28,2023, the 9th Schubert Fest took place in renovated wing of the manor house in Želiezovce. Chamber music ...
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Summer course for choirmasters

The Castellum Zeliz Civic Association, the Franz Schubert Elementary School of Artsin Želiezovce and the City of Želiezovce, with the ...
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57th National Folk Art Festival Želiezovce

The 57th National Folk Art Festival was held in Želiezovce on August 16-20.In addition to performers from Greece and Turkey, ...
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Sacher cake baking competition

As part of the CLT01024 project, the Sacher cake baking competition was held onAugust 19, 2023 in the premises of ...
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The project Restoration of the manor house in Želiezovce in order to preserve the cultural heritage and make it accessible to the general public benefits from a € 737.000 grant from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 110.500. The aim of the project is to restoration of the roof structure of Esterhazy manor house in Želiezovce and making it accessible to the general public as well as using it for the purpose of educational, marketing and cultural activities.

If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the EEA Grants in Slovakia, visit

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